Piemonte region tower – Turin

Porta Nuova Varesine – Milan
4 May 2019

Piemonte Region


Massimiliano Fuksas, Roma


Coopsette Scarl - Coopsette in Lca


Coopsette Scarl, Castelnovo di Sotto (RE)

The construction of the Piemonte Region’s Tower, near Lingotto, develops in an area of 95000 square metres and it is a part of the general plan signed by Massimiliano Fuksas, for retraining the “Ex Fiat Avio” area.
The Tower, which is into the Turin’s skyline, will be the highest one in Italy for its height of 205 metres, its 42 floors and its 2 buried floors; it will host 2600 dependents and more than 2000 visitors.

The building is composed of 3 main elements, which are clearly different to each other for their own function:
- The Tower, where the Piemonte Region’s offices are.
- The undergroung courtyard, divided in 2 levels, which hosts all of the offices’ services.
- The Service Center, an independent building (formally), connected to the Tower, which hosts the Convention Center, the library, the audio-visual library and the Day Care in the basis.

The external-skin of the Service Center is composed of panels in glass and panels in aluminium, both partially openable.
The Tower’s volume, with a basis of 45*45 square metres, is closed into an impressive façade in double-skin glass. The upper part ends with a rooftop garden.

The Tower’s hall is characterized by a big emptiness, from the floor to the roof, where there are transversal “blades” with different leanings. The “blades” refract the light, creating a kaleidoscopic “trick of the light”.

Fausto Cattivelli Engineer took part with his technical advise for:
- The analysis during the contract, on behalf of Coopsette, about the criticality of the contract’s specifications and the tests’ drawings for obtaining the CE mark (about the façade’s systems).
- The constructive project of the low “corps”, perimeter to the Tower.
Specialised Consultancy as Expert Witness, on behalf of Coopsette in Lca, hired by the Liquidator Official for the analysis on the identified events about the V1 and V2 glasses of the Tower, and for the consequent technical investigation about all of the productive cycles, with their tests and their glasses proofs.